Week 2

Week 2: Sensing the World

This week we will look at some of the different ways that the micro:bit can sense the world around us.  This allows us to take in information about our environment and use it to design solutions for our world.  We'll explore tilt sensing which allows the micro:bit to have a "sense" of direction.  We'll look at temperature sensing to create a simple thermometer to respond to the Covid-19 crisis.  We will briefly talk about variables and using them to modify parts of our code.   

Video for Week 2

Slides for Week 2

Example Code for Rotation

Example Code for Acceleration

Example Code for a Temp Sensor

Submit Your Flipgrid For Week 2

This week we are using the ability of the micro:bit to sense the world.  Create a program in MakeCode incorporating one of the new skills we learned this week.  You could create an alarm for when a drawer is opened by using the light sensor.  You could do a similar project using the acceleration or tilt sensor to alert you when a door is opened. You could also create a palm thermometer that creates an alarm for someone running a fever of over 37 degrees Celsius.     

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